Morag Myerscough Video

Michelle Dang
2 min readMay 13, 2022


When looking for sound, I looked on Spotify, commercials, and TV/movie music. I stumbled upon Exhibition in a Picture by Timo Elliston, a song in the Netflix show, Design Abstract. I liked the song because there was a lot of variation throughout while having an upbeat, cheerful tone that matches Morag’s energy.


I watched a couple of Morag’s interviews and talks and transcribed the ones where she said something impacting/prominent. I combined two short talks that describe her design philosophy and her introduction. By combining the two audios, I could have her introduce her name within 16 seconds, which I enjoyed.


For my storyboard, I considered animating the transcript. This would allow me to reach a larger audience since the audio is more accessible, as well as give me an opportunity to play with the typography. My main idea was to make her installations come to life through motion. I wanted to abstract her installations into the basic shapes and move the pieces around.




I’m pretty proud of my final! I’ve developed a higher sensitivity to transitions and the pacing of motion.

